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Welcome to Cinnabar Valley!

Welcome to Cinnabar Valley!

Cinnabar Valley. It is as exotic and fabulous as

the name suggests. A rich, deep gawge of rainforest, it stretches from the Strait of Georgia to the crystal clear waters of the Nanaimo River. Endless creeks flow down from the mountains, emptying into Richards Lake - a shining gem in the center of the valley. The ocean too is close by – it is mere minutes to the estuary. At some points you can catch a glimpse the ocean with its backdrop of glacier covered mountains.  You can hear the Duke Point Ferry blow it's horn.


There is a crazy mix of domestic and wildlife. Mink fish for koi in neighbourhood ponds. Chickens cross the roads (No, I don't know why!), llamas bay at the dogs, and horses neigh at the partridge. Nocturnal raccoons visit creeks under night's cover. And the birds! Quacking ducks compete with Trumpeter swans for lake real estate. Flickers bounce between trees, whip-poor-wills chant . . . well enchanting songs. Large horned owls hoot into the night sky, while small brown bats scout the streets. And Stellar Jays? They cackle manically at them all. 




Cinnabar Valley is truly an urban setting in a suburb. There are endless hiking trails weaving their way through the valley, through forests and fields, rivers and lakes. Bike down the straight and even Evans Road, all the way to Nanaimo River. Or, hike, bike, roller blade, or walk some or all of the 20 km. of Parkway Trail; the south trailhead is just off Extension Road. A moderate hike, Extension Ridge can be accessed from Extension Road, and followed all the way up to The Abyss. Enjoy the variety of Wildlife at Richard's Marsh and Chase River Estuary Park, or wander through historic Petroglyph Park


Explore the boardwalk at Estuary Park.


While it has that urban feel, Cinnabar Valley has all the amenities of the city you need. Elaine Hamilton Park Has a full sized soccer field & 2 baseball diamonds. Cinnabar Valley Park has tennis courts, basketball hoops, and a playground.

There is plenty of restaurants nearby . . . Southgate Shopping Center has no less than 5 restaurants- sit & enjoy a meal enjoy at Sushi Wari  or Sun's Noodle Bar, or have take-out from Pizza Mia. They also have all sorts of shopping - everything from gyms to bakeries. Southpark Mall also has restaurants, including Maggie's Fish & Chips. plus many more stores and services including a liquor store, grocery store, & a dentist. A Rona is just across the street.


There are more SUPERB pubs & restaurants nearby. The Bold Knight is known for its excellent steak & seafood, while the Wheatsheaf, & The Crow & Gate are legendary pubs with great food and great atmosphere.

Schools? Cinnabar Valley has a 3 Elementary schools ; Cinnabar Valley Elementary, Chase River Elementary, and South Wellington Elementary. Cedar Community Secondary is the high school in the area.

Hit a homerun or score a goal at Elaine Hamilton Park


There are several Facebook groups catering to Cinnabar Valley residents. 

Chase River, Cinnabar Valley, Extension Event Page lists community events such as school closings, road conditions, lost pets etc.  It also allows exchange of information, including asking about and advertising local businesses such as baby-sitters.

Cinnabar Valley Block Watch/Safe Neighbouhood Forum In addition to being a neighbourhood watch, this is a great forum for road conditions , lost and found, garbage pickup, etc.

What's Up in the South End Page is a way to get to know your neighbours and your neighbourhood. Members share stories, photos, recipes and work-outs, to name just a few topics.

Interested in the history of Cinnabar Valley?  CLICK HERE for a trip down memory lane . . . er . . .valley . . .

Want to know more about Cinnabar Valley and the beautiful homes available here? Email me, or call me at:


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